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Reading List 2020

A look back at what I read in 2021, split into fiction and non-fiction books. You can see my previous years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

For 2020, I ended up reading 28 books, this marks my third year in a row going over my goal of 25 books a year. This works out to about a book every two weeks, not a bad pace if you aren’t reading George R.R. Martin tomes.


I co-host the Reel DMC movie podcast, give it a listen, our recent Hunt for Red October episode is one of our best yet. Here are the books I read based on movies we covered in the podcast.

Princess Bride

Princess Bride

William Goldman
A wonderful story written well. There is only a little more in the book than the movie, but still worth reading to spend more time in Florin with old friends.
Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing Lasts Forever

Roderick Thorp
Inspiration for Die Hard, but far from a straight adaptation. The main story is close, but characters and motivations are quite different. Enjoyable to read, but maybe gets a bonus star since the movie is so good.


Frank Herbert
A masterpiece!

Revolutionary War

Blame Hamilton. After watching and listening to the musical (my kids love the music and have no qualms about listening to the same thing over-and-over-and-over again), I became interested in the Revolutionary War. I was curious and realized my lack of knowledge beyond the big picture of the American Revolutionary War.



David McCullough
A fantastic deep dive into the year 1776, following Washington and the rebel armies initial battles with the British, beginning the war.


Laurie Halse Anderson
A wonderful, and heart breaking story, of a slave girl during the revolutionary war. What I imagine to be an accurate historical fiction and I'm glad I read after 1776, the book covers many of the same events from a different perspective.


My pandemic gift was an old British sports car, a 1960 Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite, might as well social distance in style. This inspired reading two auto books.

It Came With Oil - An adventure into the art of British car repair

It Came With Oil - An adventure into the art of British car repair

Alan Cowan
A great read, Alan Cowan is a great story teller and the book is a fun adventure into the world of British car repair.
How to Build a Car: The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Formula 1 Designer

How to Build a Car: The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Formula 1 Designer

Adrian Newey
If you like Formula 1 racing from 1980's to now, this is a great read. A nice mix of Newey's life and F1 design and history.


The Process of Education

The Process of Education

Jerome S. Bruner
Reading about writing and instructional design led me to this book. It is a good short read talking about educational theory.
Writing to Learn: How to Write-—And Think—Clearly about Any Subject at All

Writing to Learn: How to Write-—And Think—Clearly about Any Subject at All

William Zinsser
The book discusses the importance of writing as a means of learning, the first half is better than the second. However, if you're looking for a book to improve your writing read Zinsser's On Writing Well
Writing Is Designing: Words and the User Experience

Writing Is Designing: Words and the User Experience

Michael J. Metts
A really good book talking about the importance of writing and user interface. Worth reading for anyone involved in creating a product.
Revising Prose

Revising Prose

Richard A. Lanham
This was ok, it covers many of the same topics in other writing books. I did not get much new out of it. As stated above, Zinsser's On Writing Well is my top writing recommendation.
Spring Training

Spring Training

William Zinsser
I read this getting ready for baseball season. It is an enjoyable light read. Recommended as an example of good writing.


The Parameters of our Cage

The Parameters of our Cage

C. Fausto Cabrera & Alec Soth
One of my favorites of the year. A wonderful glimpse into the correspondence between Soth and Fauso and the friendship they form.
Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

Anna Wiener
I typically dislike reading about the tech industry since they tend to glamorize or distort; but Wiener does a nice job telling a familiar story from a fresh point of view.


Robert A. Caro
The writing is excellent, but what I really enjoyed about this book was discovering the dedication Robert Caro has to his craft. His curiosity and willingness to do the work comes out — from his commitment to research, to his compassion to tell well-rounded stories.


Nir Eyal
Meh. I got the book free from work and it has good advice and suggestions but feels like could be a couple of blog posts.
What if?

What if?

Randall Munroe
From the creator of XKCD, wonderful answers to absurd questions.
Six Thousand Years of Bread: Its Holy and Unholy History

Six Thousand Years of Bread: Its Holy and Unholy History

Heinrich Eduard Jacob
This was not the book I was looking for, the focus is more history than bread and no cohesive flow except times in history bread and grain are mentioned.




Blake Crouch
A little too clever. Plus it suffers from the time travel risk of the ability to change things making everything that happens inconsequential. It loses impact — like a death in a magical world that can bring the dead back to life.
Mexican Gothic

Mexican Gothic

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Enjoyable ghost story set in 1950's Mexico.
In the Dark

In the Dark

Loreth Anne White
A fun summer read, an enjoyable mystery and whodunit. I was looking for a light read and it was free on Prime. I was pleasantly surprised.


William Gibson
Painfully obnoxious.


Neal Stephenson
Is it a political story about creating a society from scratch? Is it a survival story about logistics and planning? Or is it a science book about orbital physics—really, do we need so much on orbital physics?
The Time Machine

The Time Machine

H.G. Wells
A classic science fiction story.
Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep

Stephen King
I really like the continuation of the Shining story. Doctor Sleep has a bit too much setup, it took a while to really get going, but once it does it is enjoyable.
The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give

Angie Thomas
Really great book. A fresh viewpoint and story looking at racism and violence in America.
Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon

Daniel Keyes
I hadn't read Flowers for Algernon since high school, and probably only read the bare minimum of what was required back then. It's a classic, a great book that still holds up today.
The Peace War

The Peace War

Vernor Vinge
A good science fiction book, that is the basis of my team's name at work: Tinker.


I’m starting 2021 reading the J.R.R. Tolkien series again, I think this is my 3rd time through. I’ve already finished the Hobbit and started on the Fellowship of the Ring.