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Hi, I’m Marcus Kazmierczak. Welcome to my little corner on the web. I publish to give back to the open web, grow our shared knowledge, and give back to all the people who have done the same and helped me.

“You can’t change the world, but you can make a corner of it nice.”

What’s new?

I added my list of books read in 2024 on this site and revamping all my reading list section, improving layout and better consistency. Plus it looks like I got lazy and left it up to Goodreads for many years, so I’m exporting and moving those over.

I’m using the Cursor editor to help. It is great for these small utilities, I had it write me a script to convert the Goodreads CSV export, download the book cover images from OpenLibrary, and then create the proper MDX format I use to publish here.

Check out my Connections Canvas small web app that AI helped me create as a visual tool to help solve Connections puzzles. I probably wouldn’t of made the effort on my own, not that’s it hard, but tedious and I’d have to dig into various drag-drop APIs. Using AI got it all started and mostly working in no time and just a few tweaks to get to a good state.

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