Rust is a typed language, every variable must specify its type. The common number types are integers i32
, i64
, u32
, u64
, f64
. The number is the bit size and supports 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 bit numbers. The letter i
for signed integer, u
for unsigned integer, and f
for float.
Get the max or min value for a type using the .max_value()
or .min_value()
Signed Ints
Type | Function | Value |
i8 | i8::max_value() | 127 |
i16 | i16::max_value() | 32_767 |
i32 | i32::max_value() | 2_147_483_647 |
i64 | i64::max_value() | 9_223_372_036_854_775_807 |
i128 | i128::max_value() | 170141183460469231731687303715884105727 |
Unsigned Ints
Type | Function | Value |
u8 | u8::max_value() | 255 |
u16 | u16::max_value() | 65_535 |
u32 | u32::max_value() | 4_294_967_295 |
u64 | u64::max_value() | 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 |
u128 | u128::max_value() | 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 |
Basic Math
fn main() {
let x = 3;
let y = 6;
println!("{} + {}: {}", x, y, x + y);
println!("{} * {}: {}", x, y, x * y);
String to Integer
To convert a string to an integer in Rust, use parse()
function. The parse function needs to know what type it is converting to, this can be specified on the left-side of assignment like so:
let str = "123";
let num: i32 = str.parse().unwrap();
Or can also specify the int type inline, using ::<>
let str = "123";
let num = str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
Note: The use of .unwrap()
is to “catch” the potential error and fail at this point. This can be used if the string is guarenteed to be a number. If the string is invalid it will fail with a runtime ParseIntError
. To code for a potential error match on the Result
which returns an Ok
or Err
let str = "a123";
let num = match str.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(error) => {
println!("Error converting number: {}", error);
println!("Setting num to default: 0");
println!("{}", num)
String to a Float
To convert a string to a float in Rust, use the parse()
function specifing f32
or f64
for the type. Either specify the float type to the variable you are assigning:
let str = "3.14159";
let pi: f64 = str.parse().unwrap()
Or when converting string to float, specify the float type inline to the parse function, using ::<>
let str = "2.71828";
let e = str.parse::<f32>().unwrap();
Char to a Integer
To convert a single char to an integer in Rust, use .to_digit(RADIX)
. The radix value is used for conversion, 10 for decimal, 16 for hexadecimal.
let ch = '2';
let num = ch.to_digit(10).unwrap();
let ch = 'f';
let num = ch.to_digit(16).unwrap();
println!("{}", num);
// 15
Integer to String
To convert an integer to a string in Rust, use .to_string()
let num = 123;
let str = num.to_string();
Integer to Float
To convert an integer to a float in Rust, use as f64
. This is a useful means to convert from various interchangeable types, you can use inline also.
let num = 13;
let flt = num as f64;
println!("{}", 1.2 * flt);
println!("{}", 1.2 * num as f64);
Float to Integer
Use the same as
to cast a float to an integer type. By default, it will discard the decimal portion of the number giving you an equivalent of floor()
. Use .round()
or .ceil()
prior to control how you want the float to be converted.
let num = 13.6 as f32;
let i = num as i32;
let j = num.round() as i32;
let k = num.ceil() as i32;
println!("{} {} {}", i, j, k);
Convert String from any Number Base
Use from_str_radix()
function defined on the different integer types, to specify the string and what base you are converting it from. Here are some examples:
Binary to Integer
To convert a binary string to an integer in Rust:
let bin = "101101";
let i = i32::from_str_radix(bin, 2).unwrap();
println!("{}", i);
Octal to Integer
To convert an octal stirng to an integer in Rust:
let oct = "43127";
let i = i64::from_str_radix(oct, 8).unwrap();
println!("{}", i);
Hexadecimal to Integer
To convert a hexadecimal string to an integer in Rust:
let hex = "5F259A";
let i = u32::from_str_radix(hex, 16).unwrap();
println!("{}", i);
Convert Integer to any Number Base String
To convert a number to a string in any number base, use the format!()
macro specifing, b
for binary, o
for octal, x
for Hex (or X
for HEX). Here are some examples:
Convert Integer to Binary String
To convert an integer to binary in Rust:
let i = 123;
let s = format!("{:b}", i);
println!("{}", s);
Convert Integer to Octal String
To convert an integer to octal in Rust:
let i = 123;
let s = format!("{:o}", i);
println!("{}", s);
Convert Integer to Hexadecimal String
To convert an integer to hexadecimal in Rust:
let i = 123;
let s = format!("{:x}", i); // lowercase
let ss = format!("{:X}", i); // uppercase
println!("{}, {}", s, ss);
Generate Random Number
To generate a random number in Rust use the rand
First, add the following to Cargo.toml
rand = "0.8.5"
In the code, use the .gen_range()
function to set the range to pick from. Remember, a Rust range is inclusive of the first number, but exclusive of the second. So 0..100
will pick a number from 0-99.
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
let num = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..100);
println!("{}", num);