Working with Go
Command-line Args
Command-line args are stored as a slice in os.Args
. The first argument in list is program itself.
num_args := len(os.Args)
You can check to see if any command-line arguments were passed in
if num_args < 2 {
fmt.Println(">> No args passed in")
Flag Library
Use the flag
standard library to parse command-line arguments. The flag library parses parameters passed in and flags for invalid types, invalud flags, and handles most needs for creating a command-line program.
var s string
flag.StringVar(&s, "str", "default value", "text description")
$ ./program -str "Hello"
Full Example
Here is a full example program showing how to use command-line arguments and flags in Go
package main
import (
// global vars
var str string
var num int
var help bool
func main() {
// define flags
flag.StringVar(&str, "str", "default value", "text description")
flag.IntVar(&num, "num", 5, "text description")
flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "Display Help")
// parse
// check if help was called explicitly
if help {
fmt.Println(">> Display help screen")
// See values assigned
fmt.Println(">> String:", str)
fmt.Println(">> Number:", num)
// last command-line argument
fmt.Println(">> Last Item:", os.Args[num_args-1])
// the os.Args will include flags for example
// go run command-line-args.go --str=Foo filename
// os.Args[1]: "--str=Foo"
// If you have flags and want just the arguments
// then after calling flag.Parse() you can call
// flag.Args which store only the args
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) > 0 {
fmt.Println(">> Flag Arg:", args[0])
Run with different parameters
$ go run command-line.go
>> No args passed in
>> String: default value
>> Number: 5
>> Last Item: command-line.go
$ go run command-line.go --str=Foo --num=8 filename
>> String: Foo
>> Number: 8
>> Last Item: filename
>> Flag Arg: filename