Working with Go
Regular Expressions
Use the regexp
standard library to work with regular expressions.
Basic Regexp
Create regular expression pattern to match 1 or more numbers
pattern := "[0-9]+"
re, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error compiling regex", err)
Test if Pattern Matches
Use MatchString
to test if pattern matches
str := "The 12 monkeys ate 48 bananas"
if re.MatchString(str) {
fmt.Println("Yes, matched a number")
} else {
fmt.Println("No, no match")
Return Match
Use FindString
to return match
result := re.FindString(str)
fmt.Println("Number matched:", result)
Return Multiple Matches
Use FindAllString
to return multiple matches, specify -1
to return all.
results := re.FindAllString(str, 2)
for i, v := range results {
fmt.Printf("Match %d: %s\n", i, v)
Replace Match
Use ReplaceAllString
to replace matches
results := re.ReplaceAllString(str, "xx")
fmt.Println("Result:", results)
Case Insensitive
The format for Go regular expression flags is different than typical. In Golang, the flag precedes the pattern, the syntax is, let's just say, not great. Here is an example using the case insensitive flag i
ptn := `(?i)^t.`
str := "To be or not to be"
re, err := regexp.Compile(ptn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error compiling regex", err)
// match string
result := re.FindString(str)
Submatches are what Go calls the matches that are grabbed by (.*)
inside of a regular expression.
str1 := "Hello @world@ Match"
sub_re, _ := regexp.Compile("@(.*)@")
m := sub_re.FindStringSubmatch(str1)
// FindStringSubmatch returns [@world@ world]
// so to just get the submatch you would use
if len(m) > 1 {
fmt.Println(m[1]) // submatch
Escaping Special Characters
If you wanted to match brackets or other special characters and try to just escape them like so \[(.*)\]
you will get an error for unknown escape sequence [
You need to double up the slashes or a nicer solution is to use string literals and wrap in ticks instead of quotes
str2 := "A [word] here and [there]"
esc_pattern := `\[(.*?)\]`
esc_re, _ := regexp.Compile(esc_pattern)
// this will only find the first
// use FindAll with second parameter for # of matches -1: all
fmt.Println(esc_re.FindAllStringSubmatch(str2, -1))