Plugin Management
I recommend using vim-plug to manage plugins, it makes it easy to install, update, and remove plugins. There are other plugin managers, but I’ve found vim-plug works best for me.
Install by downloading plug.vim and placing it in your autoload
directory. This directory is dependent on your install, it might be ~/.vim/autoload/
or for Neovim ~/.config/nvim/autoload/
Add a section to your .vimrc
to specify the plugins to load. The plug#begin
function may also specify what directory to download the plugins to. Here is an example specifying two plugins to use.
call plug#begin('~/.config/plugged')
Plug 'fatih/vim-go'
Plug 'mhartington/oceanic-next'
call plug#end()
The plugins are specified using their Github directory. So, the above fatih/vim-go
plugin refers to the repository.
After updating .vimrc
with a new or deleted plugin, you need to reload; it is easiest to just quit and restart vim. You can also run :source %
to source your config when you are editing it, personally I prefer quit/restart, it’s less typing.
After reloading, install the plugins using the command: :PlugInstall
Remove a Plugin
If you want to delete a plugin:
- Remove the line from your config,
- Quit and restart Vim, and then
- Run
. You will be prompted to delete the directory, typeY
If the above does not work for some reason, you can delete the directory manually from the ~/.config/plugged
Update Plugins
Run :PlugUpdate
to update all plugins.
Run :PlugUpgrade
to upgrade vim-plug
See vim-plug repository for full documentation and features.